Separation Survival Guide: Your Practical & Emotional Blueprint to Reclaim Your Life After a Breakup
Ready to take control of your future and rediscover the real you? Download my free guide for essential steps to separate your life from your ex and start thriving again!
10 Practical Steps to separate your life from your ex—financially, legally, and emotionally
5 Emotional Support Tips to help you heal, regain confidence, and find your inner strength
Tools to rediscover your identity, reclaim your self-worth, and regain your independence
Why You Need This Guide:
When a relationship ends, it can feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. You might wonder how to move forward, where to start, or even who you are without your relationship. This guide is your roadmap to recovery, giving you the actionable steps and emotional guidance you need to confidently begin your next chapter.
A note from Rachel
Ladies I have been there, my relationship broke down quite unexpectedly (4 weeks before my wedding in fact) I was BROKEN, lost, lonely, depressed and a really angry bitch (excuse my french) towards my ex!
I didn't know what my future held now my relationship was over, my ENTIRE identity was wrapped up in that relationship. We had a child, a business and a home together. I faced heartbreak, financial ruin and a complete loss of my self worth and self respect. Rejection will do that to you.
Of course to the outside world I was handling my s**t, I had it together, I stayed working with him in our business, I got up, dressed up and showed up. But underneath that bright lipstick and fake lashes I was falling apart.
Then I learnt the tools to help me regulate my emotions so my ex no longer triggered me into an emotional reaction. I learnt tricks to interrupt my emotional downward spiral so I could handle living alone. I learn what was important to me and what I wanted my life to look like in the future.
I eventually learnt to love my single life, I didn't feel lonely anymore, I didn't get angry at my ex or cry on my neighbours kitchen table daily (I still cry at her kitchen table just not so often, I'm a cryer!)
I got back in control of my own life, I trained as a life coach, I started my own business, I have a new amazing relationship and most importantly to me I am a strong feminine role model for my daughter!
You can take back control too and I would love to support you to do it, that's why I trained as a life coach to help women just like you!
If you want to know more about how I can support you DM me on Insta i am @rachelteelingcoaching